Sharp Cuts: Queer Collage on display at CLAMP from July 18 – August 29. 247 W. 29th St., Ground Floor, New York, NY 10001.
Deeply Human: Queer Global Photography.
Work from HIDDEN GLANCES featured as a chapter.
Leather on Leather, February selected by Gordon Stettinius, Ashby Nickerson, and Whitney Cole to be acquired for Candela’s permanent collection through this year’s Unbound12!
Leather on Leather, February from Hidden Glances is included in Candela’s UNBOUND12! Click on the image to preview the show and purchase art and merchandise.
Starla in Her Photography Studio from the series Maybe Tomorrow was awarded an honorable mention by jurors Mia Dalgish and Lisa Woodward during CPAC’s Annual Members’ Show.
Alivia (Shooting) and Starla in Her Photography Studio are on display at Colorado Photographic Arts Center’s 2023 Members’ Show.
Six images from Maybe Tomorrow on display during Atlanta Photography Group’s PORTFOLIO 2023.
Bodily Autonomies featured work from Hidden Glances series on view online, throughout Heidelberg, Germany and at the Karlstorbahnhof during the entire month of May.
The Curated Fridge, Spring 2023 curated by Debra Klomp Ching and Darren Ching of Klompching Gallery and created by Yorgos Efthymiadis.
Belfast Photo Festival Shortlisted, Highly Commended.

Silver Eye Center for Photography’s 2022 Benefit Silent Auction includes Out on the Range, January.
The Curated Fridge’s Summer ‘22 Edition curated by Aline Smithson, features Karate Chop, August from Hidden Glances.
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